About this community

Hi 👋, I'm Alex

My name is Alex and I've created and run multiple products and services using Pddle for years. You could say I'm a fan of the company, but honestly it's just a no brainer for any founder to pass as much billing related work and sales taxes to them and focus on the core business. That's why I started to build Boathouse.pro in 2023 and offer Customer Portals for Paddle among other add-ons. In the capacity, I stay up-to-date with anything involving Paddle, their products and their partners. That's what I publish here to help other founders and people find solution that integrate well with Paddle.

Do you want to add your product?

If you have a product that integrates with Paddle (Classic or Billing) and would like to be considered for submission on Paddle Friends, please get in touch at hello@paddlefriends.com.