It's a no brainer for founders to use Paddle for SaaS subscriptions and just common sense to use an existing customer portal like Boathouse instead of re-implementing the wheel.

Use Cases

  • Customer Portal and Billing UI: Add a full feature customer portal to your app with just a single API call that give users the opportunity to manage their subscriptions and download invoices.
  • Pricing Tables with Localized Currencies: Add a pricing table using our intuitive builder to your website and app. Automatically configures Paddle checkout to let users subscribe immediately and supports localized currencies (if configured in Paddle) to always show a familiar currency to your visitors.

Main Features

  • Pricing Table Builder: Select the pricing plans from Paddle and create your own pricing table without code. Select the monthly and annual plans that go together, add information like features and embed directly into your website or app. Checkout works automatically using PaddleJS.
  • Self Service Customer Portal: Let your users up- or downgrade their subscriptions without writing a single line of code. Just select the plans you want to activate and your portal is ready to go.
  • Invoices: Give users access to all past invoices in the portal or give them the opportunity to add a billing email that receives PDF copies of all invoices when they are paid.
  • E-Mail Reminders: Credit card expiring or annual subscription renewing? Be upfront and transparent and send your users an email beforehand to reduce churn.
  • E-Mail Drip Campaigns: Send a sequence of emails to introduce new users to your product and guide them through the important parts.
  • Integrates with Postmark: Emails are sent via a leading email provider so they come from your domain.

How does it integrate with Paddle?

Integrates into the Paddle Billing API and PaddleJS.

The provided information is presented "as is" with no guarantees for its accuracy, and we bear no liability for any errors or omissions. Kindly report any errors or updates to us and we'll try to sort them as quickly as possible.

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